
Astrology is one of the oldest sciences mankind has known. It is a Vedanga which means one of the branches, parts or components of the Vedas. It helps in understanding Veda mantras.

Astrology is often referred to as the eyes of Vedas. It is believed that a proper spiritual knowledge is not possible without understanding the karmic influences in a person’s life. Astrology is an effective tool to understand the same.

The astrologers of yesteryears like Parashara, Jamini etc were generally Rishis. They laid down different dasa systems like Vimshottari, Yogini, Chara, Mandook etc. They wanted us to crosscheck astrological indications through different methods before giving any prediction. Parashara has described many such steps in his book “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra”.

Many causes can be cited which lead to erroneous astrological predictions. Some of the causes which lead to prediction  and remedies failures are discussed below.


 Mixing Hora Jyotish (Native astrology) with Medini Jyotish (Mundane astrology):-

Hora Jyotish is concerned with astrological prediction of individuals. For this there are tenets to be followed as prescribed by Jaimini Rishi, Parashara Rishi etc. This is the field of native astrology or Hora Shastra.

On the other hand Medini Jyotish is concerned with prediction about the land and the people on a larger scale. Any celestial happening like Surya Grahan (solar eclipse) or Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse) affects the world as a whole. The occurrence of earthquakes, wars, Tsunamis, droughts, floods and other ethnical issues can be predicted through the system of Medini Jyotish. Esteemed Guru Shri K. N. Rao also says that it is not correct to divide the world in 12 parts for mundane matters as is the practice in Hora astrology.

However, it has been found that astrologers try to connect the effects of celestial events like Surya Grahan( Solar Eclipse) and Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) with the horoscopes of individuals based on their rashi. If a Tsunami or earthquake becomes a killer, it will kill everyone irrespective of rashi. Chance survivors cannot claim that they survived because they belonged to a particular rashi. However, there may be dasa systems as per Hora supporting them in surviving.

Therefore, one of the causes of failure of astrological prediction is mixing the system of Medini for prediction of events of individuals.


Ignoring Shodasvarga (16 divisional charts) in making predictions about individuals:-

It has been a habit among recent astrologers to completely ignore the divisional charts while giving predictions. The following reasons can be cited for this practice:

  • The time of birth required should be correct for the effective use of such divisional charts.
  • The calculation and interpretation of such charts requires skill which comes only by proper study of astrology under the guidance of a competent Guru.
  • If predictions are to be based on divisional charts, time must be given to the astrologer because the study and analysis of charts takes time. In today’s fast world everything is required by the click of button which is not possible.
  • Birth time rectification is necessary for proper use of divisional chart for which cross-checking of many events has to be done with the consulter.

Astrological predictions can fail if they are not based on interpretation of divisional charts.


This may be the third cause and a very important cause for failure of astrological prediction. No profession is 100% foolproof. Errors are natural and they occur.

A medical doctor prescribes medicines for ailments. A correct diagnosis of ailment is necessary for medicine to be effective. If the diagnosis is not correct, the medication will not be effective and the patient may continue to suffer.

An astrologer can be put in the same category. People come to him with horoscopes to seek advice on their problems and difficulties. The astrologer should be competent enough to diagnose the problems in the light of established astrological techniques. True diagnosis can be done only by a professional astrologer who has depth of knowledge.

If diagnosis is done carelessly or if the astrologer is not fully conversant with astrological techniques, the predictions may fail. For this, the science of astrology cannot be blamed because like any divine knowledge, astrology is complete in itself. It is only the human interpretation that can be questioned.


In the battle ground of Mahabharata Lord Krishna showed his Vishwaroop to Arjun for counseling him and for reminding him to his duties. Arjun saw that the Kaurva’s were going into the mouth of Lord Krishna. But he did not see Abhimanyu (his son) going into the mouth of the lord. Abhimanyu also died in the battle but God concealed this information from Arjun. Hence, what God wants to conceal, no astrologer will be able to predict.

The second important thing is that astrology is a divine knowledge and every prediction needs divine intervention for its fulfillment. Egoless-ness is the primary qualification for a competent astrologer. If he is full of ego, his predictions are likely to fail because in every prediction the grace of the almighty is needed. An astrologer who meditates or prays regularly and is egoless, knowledgeable and who thinks himself as only a Nimit (conduit) can give predictions which are not likely to fail.


On several occasions in the last century, the end of the world was predicted due to particular arrangements of planet on certain occasions. Almost all such prediction came from western astrologers. In the 21st century also the first such prediction has come according to which the world is going to end in 2012.

Earlier predictions have failed and this prediction is also going to fail. This means that the astrologers who are predicting such events are casually treating everything without any basis and without sound research on the subject.

Some of the western astrologers say that astrology originated in Babylon, Egypt and Rome. They are reluctant to accept that India was the leading country in this field and persons like Aryabhatta and Varahmihir gave it a sound mathematical footing. The system of Vedic astrology is a far more competent system of analyzing future happenings.


Parashara emphasized the need for consideration of Desh (country), Kaal (time) and Patra (individual) before giving any prediction. Child marriage was the practice in old age. Astrological predictions conformed to those practices. But, times have changed and astrology should also march with time. Child marriage has become illegal.

In Vedic period agriculture was the main occupation. Today there are hundreds of occupations. Astrological predictions should correlate to the present day occupation in order to be more meaningful. Continuous transformation of society is taking place and the astrologer should understand the trend to make relevant predictions.


Some important causes of erroneous predictions have been discussed in this article. There may be some other causes as well. Astrological remedies sometimes do not work because predictions themselves remain incorrect.

Additionally the reason why people don’t get Results is that, Doubt on astrologer’s advice,  Lack of faith in Remedial Ceremonies, Careless Native – they don’t perform the Remedy in its Prescribed Method, Vedic Remedies are Pure Logical in Nature, so its Features need to be performed within the purview of some set of Rules and Don’ts.

Dr.Puneet Gupta

Founder President Jyotish Jagriti Sangh – INDIA

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