Acknowledge Trailblazers

Know and learn from the Astro leader who came before you. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants.

Keep Achieving

Effective Astrologers always keep learning. There is always something to learn and improve upon.


Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.

Pass the Torch

Give opportunities to future generations. Your legacy will be the people you help along the journey.

Know Yourself

Be authentic and lead in a way that is true to you. Own your unique talents and strengths,and empower those around you.

Speak Out

Unconscious bias is present, but ignoring it only perpetuates it. Take a stand and speak out


Never assume anything about anyone. Everyone has their own story that makes them who they are.

Being Present

Sharing your time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Do it with intention by being present.

Prepare for the Future

Astrologers with advanced skills today will be ready for tomorrow's challenges.

Lead by Example

Inclusion isn't enough. Press for parity and strive for excellence in everything