
Everyone wants to be successful, but very few are able to attain success in life. With about 50 years experience in Palmistry first 20years as a Hobby – and the last 30 years as a Professional, I have seen about 9,000 (Nine thousand) palms.

From my practical experience and observation of palms of natives from different occupations and professions- Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Professors, Journalists, Businessmen, Industrialists -I have found that majority of successful persons (about 60% to 80%) have a strong and developed Mount of Jupiter.

Mount of Jupiter is the most important and the first mount to be seen and observed in the Palm. It is located below the Index Finger, contained by the Head line and the mount of Saturn.

From the Mount of Jupiter we can know or predict mainly about the following matters:

1- Leadership 2. Ambition 3. Pride 4. Knowledge (Reading Books & Magazines) 5. Education 6. Career 7. Success 8. Stability in life.

1. A person having strong and developed Mount of Jupiter is normally good in leadership, ambition, education and knowledge.

However, before coming to any conclusion, Head line, Type of Hand, & Mount of Sun are to be observed and considered before making a prediction about the success of a person.

Generally The Square Hand and The Spatulate Hand are the most successful of the seven types of Hands, the only exception bring Artists in whose case the Artistic type of hand holds sway.

2. Also for success of a person, The Head line should be clear, finely marked, and without the incidence of any breaks, cuts or bad signs. A weak Headline does reduce the success element of the Mount of Jupiter to some extent.
3. Also, the success, achieved by a strong and the developed Mount of Jupiter on a Square and Spatulate Hands is more significant, extraordinary. And of a very high type – compared to other five types of hand.

4. Coloured of the Palm should be pink -pink coloured palms are the most successful in life, followed closely by red coloured palms.

If the Mount of Jupiter is strong and developed, then the natives will be successful Leaders, Politicians, Social Workers, Professors, Intellectuals, Educationists etc. Also, such persons will be very strong in education (provided Mount of Rahu is clear, without any criss-cross lines. Weak or disturbed Mount of Rahu creates obstacles in education).

All the other mounts are supplementary to the mount of Jupiter, as far as success is concerned, and rarely have I met a successful person without a strong Mount of Jupiter. A highly developed Mount of Jupiter indicates that the person is highly ambitious in life.

5. Signs of Success on Mount of Jupiter:

5.1. Ring of Solomon: If clear & unbroken, the natives will be strong in knowledge, and reader of books, newspapers, magazines, journals etc. These people will be interested and successful in Religion, Philosophy, Astrology & Occult sciences, Spiritualism, Education etc. I have found this sign-in successful palms.

5.2. Star on the Mount of Jupiter: It is a very lucky, and auspicious sign to have on the Mount of Jupiter. It is generally found in two locations.

5.2.1. On the Extreme Right Side of the Top of the Palm: This star means that the native will come into contact with the top and high officials, (e.g. Ministers, IAS Officers, Govt. Officials, Businessman) without making the person rich -it means that the contacts will not help him financially.

5.2.2. On the Centre of the Mount of Jupiter: Star means that the native will reach the apex of his/her field (the best achievement) -whether Politics, Social work, Diplomacy or Education.

5.3. Trident: Is a good, lucky and auspicious sign to have on the Mount of Jupiter. It denotes success in Astrology and spiritual field/occult sciences.

5.4. Triangle: It is an extraordinary sign of success on Mount of Jupiter and the native will be highly successful in Politics, Leadership, Social work, Diplomacy, Profession or Business. In education, such a native will attain high honors in their respective field of study.

6. Mount of Jupiter and Mount of Sun: In many palms, Mount of Jupiter is developed, but Mount of the sun is weak or undeveloped and/ or Sunline is missing. Such native will be successful, but they will not receive due recognition or status in their lives (due to the weakness of Mount of Sun).

7. It has been found that natives with the weak Mount of Jupiter lacked continuity in life -they had to change many jobs, business or profession before stability came into their lives.



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