
KETU (South node of lunar) Transit over Natal  Saturn

Description: According to Vedic Astrology KETU is south lunar node, in Puranas or in Hindu scriptures explained existence of Ketu, During the time of Samudra Manthan (Churning of the ocean ) to extract Divine nectar (Amrit ) Devta and Daanva (Good and Evil took part in the contest to churn nectar from the sea. Cut short when Nectar comes out from the ocean it came into the pool of Devtas (Good). And Divine Nectar make anyone immortal, after getting Nectar out of churning Evil wanted to be immortal as well, one of the Evil or Demon called  Swarabhaanu knows the magic of change form from the body to body, he changed his form as Devta and get in row of Devtas to have a portion of Divine Nectar, but Sun And Moon got to know that he is actually not devta and he is swarabhanu , Sun moon told Lord Vishnu about his cheating, Lord Vishnu beheaded Svarbhanu immediately. The head portion of svarabhanu named Rahu and the body portion named Ketu. 
Both parts having different characteristics because of falling apart, the head portion was falling inside of Evils (Daanva) that’s why it having the nature of evil, body portion was fallen in the poll of Good (Devtas) so Ketu having Good nature, nature of spiritualism, detachment from materialism.
Now we will see the impact of Ketu on your birth chart especially for those born in the year 
From 4 Dec 1984 to Feb 1985.
Since 23 Sep 2020 Ketu is crossing over your natal Saturn. This Transit of Ketu over birth time Saturn is not counted great, it will make a negative result on your profession, career, job and on business as well, this transit will make a job change, change in place of work, change in the nature of business. In the initial stage, it will start giving indication in a sense that you may not like to go on work job or your superiors may not want to keep you at work, superiors may kick you out or force you to change places, as the transfer may happen. Even you will find yourself detaching from materialism and it will drive you in a different direction from your present circumstances. And this transit will give nearly the same impact for those born in Dec 1986 to Dec 1988 specifically for Leo, scorpions, and Aquarian as well. 
This is in General, and for those who do have Rising sign (Janam Lagna ) Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Acharya umesh ji
Vedic and Nadi Astrologer 

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