
Purusharth has more importance than luck, but most people believe that there is no such thing as luck, the result is in accordance with the work that is done. If we look at many stages of life, then the notion of fate cannot be ruled out. In Indian scripture, karma is divided into three categories, which are accumulated karma, kriyamana karma, and destiny respectively. The action that is currently performed is called kriyamana karma. The result of which we do not yet receive, the same karma becomes accumulated karma in the future. Out of this accumulated karma, whose fruit we get, whether good or bad, it can be called destiny. Now consider the idea of ​​accumulated karma. Karma that we do not currently get results, it is believed that it can be attained in any birth, because even at birth, without any kind of karma, the living being is high, low, rich, poor, healthy, or unhealthy. Receives as Which can be described in astrology on the basis of the fifth or fifth birth of a person’s horoscope.

The second part of karma is destiny. The destiny has to be consumed in this birth, that is, it can also be called genesis karma, which determines the fate of a person’s jeans. That is, her destiny is determined at the time of conception. Anything that is obtained or remains unfulfilled is born without effort. In the horoscope, destiny can be seen with the ninth house or the ninth sense. Now, look at the third form of karma. Kriyamana means that karma is going on in the present, that is, we can call it Purushartha. Indian belief is that after the completion of a cycle of 12 years of human being i.e. the fate of a black man, the period of action starts, which lasts till the end of life. Now the education of a person affects his interest, social status, family and personal situation, likes and dislikes, efforts, and positive or negative thinking in him, the act of a person for the adverse or favorable situation. Therefore, Purushartha or Kriyamana Karma is accumulated and becomes destined.

Therefore, life can be determined not only on the basis of karma but on the basis of karma and destiny, which is seen from the fifth, ninth, and tenth place of the horoscope. It is also necessary to see the level of effort, mood, or state of cooperation which is determined by the other sense of the horoscope. In this way, luck also has an important part in human life.

Acharya Dr.Satendra Guruji.
Phd, DLitt (Astrology)Gold Medalist,
Raj Jyotishi, Jyotish Martand, Jyotish Vibhushan,
Brand Ambassador-I.A.F.
National President-All India Bhavishya Manthan.Gwalior (M.P.)

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