NIF Designation Acceptance
- IVAF – Brand Ambassador
- IVAF – Patrons
- IVAF – State Chairpersons
- IVAF – Chapter Chairman
- IVAF – Mentor
Completed Designation Applications will be discussed at the next board Meeting for evaluating as long as these have been received at least 30days prior to the Meeting.
Applying for Designation does not guarantee acceptance. The Federation might request additional information/documentation to applicants and defer the evaluation if considered appropriate, which will be indicated in the email sent to applicants with the board’s decision. If requested information/documentation is provided prior to the next board Meeting the application will be revisited and discussed again.
Based on the information provided and Federation deliberations, an applicant might be granted the designation category requested or that which is consider most appropriate by the Federation. If not, the one requested by the applicant it can of course be declined.