
The reincarnation of the soul is a fundamental belief in Hinduism. Vedic astrology talks about past life actions also known as karma. They result in manifesting situations of the second life. Astrology is primarily based on karma and eventually Moksha which is salvation. The quality of life which a person obtains depends on his “Sanchit Karma” which is the deeds accumulated in the past life. Your destiny is shaped by your past life action. There is a lot of people we meet in this lifetime, but some touch our lives more than others, with such people we have a connection called “Rinanu Bandhan” that is the past life debts. They teach us life lessons like no other. The friends we make, the family we are born in, even unknown people we meet and greet in our day-to-day life everything is a part of our past life karma. No one comes into a person’s life without any reason there is always some or the other karmic plan attached to it. People we interact with within our lifetime are interlinked to us by the hidden hands of karma. Be it a good deed or a bad it will find its way to come back to you in abundance. When a thing or person has served its purpose in your life, it will go away. if you try to hold on to something or someone who has already fulfilled its purpose in your life you will eventually end up getting hurt. One needs to learn to let go of one karma at its destined time. The karmic account is also known as the memory of the soul which implies its long-standing, descending from prior lives. Irksome situations are the culmination of unfinished karma. Karma results in yourself meaning “what you have done, you will become” if you cheat, others will cheat on you in the following life. If you love, you will be loved. Your deeds throughout your life become the environment of your existence so always do your best to live your life truthfully and authentically. One of the most interesting facts about karma is its power to reverse roles, meaning that your parents in this lifetime may have been your child in your past life. Souls switch genders as well. Karma repeats itself to produce new results. You may have noticed in life that you keep ending up in the same exact situation every time. This simply means that karma is not satisfied with the results your actions are provided. Until and unless you learn what karma is trying to teach you, you will be stuck in the same situations karma is a great way for the universe’s consciousness to make us aware of our own actions. Always keep working towards making clean karmas while simultaneously cleaning the past ones.


Shiv Sadhika Ma Vishwaroopa

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