
“It’s All About Energy,” said Einstein. Genius that he was, when he discovered his principle of relativity E=MC2 it proved to be the law that governed everything from space travel to the science of every living thing. Einstein discovered that every single living organism that existed in the universe was comprised of pure energy.

What does this have to do with us and how we go about our living our lives ?
Well, everything we do is fueled by energy, even sleeping. How do you feel in the morning? More tired than when you went to sleep? Do you jump out of bed like a firefighter ready to slide down that pole, jump into your boots and hop on the truck? Alternatively, if you are like me, you stagger out of bed groping for that cup of the strongest coffee.

The amount of mental, physical and spiritual energy we have depends on many things. Astrologically, the fixed signs rising (Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius) complain they have a tough time waking up in the morning and are “poor nappers”. The movable signs rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) say they have no trouble waking up. The mutable signs rising (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) report feeling spunky upon arising, but seem to run out of steam faster than the fixed signs rising. Of course, there were a few exceptions with Pisces Sun and Pisces rising reporting a definite distaste for getting up early when they were younger, but eventually in their twenties they “rose to the occasion”. Dreamtime was their favorite state whether awake or sleeping! Most Taureans would rather stay in bed until noon, feeling they need their “beauty rest. In fact, their bedroom is usually the command center of the house. A Sagittarius friend with a Taurus moon hardly ever sits in his living room. We all watch the hockey games in his bedroom, on his waterbed, eat, sit, hangout there. He calls it his “cave”. The psychodynamics of the Sagittarius-Taurus combination is interesting because the geometry of the inconjunct aspect when two planets are 150 degrees apart displays a seesaw type of energy. These two signs have nothing in common. The mutable fire of Sagittarius clashes with the Taurus fixed earth.

An interesting side note of our little research project was the effect of the rising planets on sleep patterns. The water signs like to sleep late, with the Moon and Neptune either loving waterbeds, or having a fear of the water and waterbeds. This small sampling has inspired us to do a more detailed study, which we will report on during the coming months.


Our mental and physical energy level relies on the flow of energy along the meridians in our body and is called by the Chinese “Chi” – which means Life Force. This “chi” indicates the state of health of our bodies. When the Chi is clogged, the life force is depleted and aches and pains, lethargy and even sickness develop. Acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology are very effective
to get the Chi flowing. Yoga is probably the best form of exercise for the human body because it massages the internal organs as well as the rest of the body. Good sex is a natural remedy because it stimulates the electromagnetic energy of the body; it invigorates all the organs and cells.

Within 3 weeks of starting yoga, classes’ people report a state of well being, youthful vigor and radiance. Your body will actually start to change its shape in a very short time. Endurance and stamina are the biggest benefits.

Americans are obsessed with themselves. In Europe, especially Italy, gyms are unheard of. People walk. Here in America carbs counting is at manic levels. I have even seen low carb diets for animals. Keto diets are the latest rave .Carbs give energy and too much protein is hard on the kidneys. It sounds archaic but it is true, moderation is the key. That’s what this column with be about – taking a Zen approach to living.

Emotions are running the Show

Depression and fatigue are manifestations of emotional problems. Thirty years ago, this was considered an absurd statement. Over the past few years, much research in the traditional field of medicine has shown that emotions are running the show. Louise L. Hay, a Master Metaphysician has written a masterpiece on the metaphysical causations of illness. “You Can Heal Your Life “is widely accepted as an authoritative book on the mental patterns that create disease. We will go in depth on Louise’s work in a future article.

Since the creation of the National Institute of Health, there has been a gradual change in the mindset of the government, which has filtered into the mainstream of medicine health… Because spending in health food stores on supplements and organic foods has reached billions of dollars, the AMA is alarmed; they want the exclusive rights to those billions of dollars.

The National Institute of Health was not founded and funded by our government to make us healthier. It was founded and initially funded with a paltry one million dollars to appease some vocal health food and alternative medicine advocates. People were turned off by the indiscriminate use of dangerous medication and its side effects and the fact that when the doctors went on strike in the 1990’s the death rate in this country plummeted.

One of the most important findings the NIH has discovered was the fact that the high incidence of asthma and autism which is at epidemic proportions, was due to contaminated batches of vaccines that were (and still are) administered to children six months of age and even younger. This has caused tremendous controversy. In the US babies are vaccinated on day one.

At three and six months of age, the “3 in 1” vaccine is given to babies and even six different vaccines given. This is reckless when one considers the fact that a child does not even have an immune system until one year of age. Why would a doctor tell a mother that the child could not have cereal until at least 6 or 9 months and cannot have milk until one year of age and then legislate that the vaccines be administered at 3-6 months of age and one day after birth? Some enlightened Doctors have been arrested for refusing to give these vaccines to infants under one year of age. In all these cases the parents were vehemently opposed to the vaccines. All the doctors were eventually cleared of charges. Dr. Fauci, the head of the CDC in America says babies and toddlers could be eligible for Covid-19 vaccine. He says they will need three doses of the vaccine because two-doses produced a weak immune response.


My personal physician told me many years ago “You have to be your own doctor”. He meant that we should take responsibility for our own health.
If we stop worshipping doctors, they will stop acting like God.

You should know your own birth chart, current and future progressions, your best and worst planets, signs and houses and armed with that information keep your self in fine form BEFORE disease starts. Your Astrodynes can give you the power, strength and harmony or discord of every planet, sign and house. When you know this, you can practice Stellar Dietetics.

Every living thing has its own astrological signature. Each vegetable, flower, animal, even rocks, all vibrate to a certain frequency. Each frequency corresponds to a planetary tone. In the months ahead, we will be listing as many categories of foods and their astrological signatures as we can. We will also have some interesting healthy recipes for you – try our Vampire Soup! This is a soup made with fresh garlic and is a sure cure for colds and other ailments (and it tastes great even if you are not sick).

Today there is no excuse for bad health because we can be information junkies with the blink of an eye, or rather a click of the mouse. The best thing anyone can do for optimum heath is DO NOT SMOKE… COPD and emphysema are at epic proportions.

A recent paper published by a medical journal reported that a medical researcher proved cancer could not live in the cells of blood that is alkaline. In other words, cancer cells as well as virus love and thrive in acidic blood. Cancer is probably a virus because virus loves acidic conditions. The first thing you can do is make sure your blood is kept slightly alkaline. Use meat sparingly, no vinegar, use the system of monothropic food combining – no starch with protein, unless it is fish. In other words, meat and potatoes are a no-no. With meat, eat vegetables, no starch. Save the potato, rice or pastas for a side dish one hour before or after the meal. Your digestion and health will vastly improve. Garlic and onions contain fluoride and is a natural antibiotic. Chlorophyll and oregano are two of Nature’s best cleaners and bacterial killers. These two items should be on your “must have” list. There is probably a cure for every ailment in our backyard or along the highway. We need to be less dependant on the pharmaceutical industry to cure what ails us. India is on the right track with their love of turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory substance.

About 15 years ago the Vioxx scandal showed us the old fashioned aspirin is probably the best anti-inflammatory one can take. It is also a great blood thinner. Coumadin the widely prescribed blood thinner is also rat poison but is constantly administered in hospitals as soon as someone is admitted. Large amount of garlic and aspirins would be just as effective with no dangerous side effects.

The ideal situation would be to practice preventive maintenance on ourselves. Keep the immune system strong so it fends off attacks when under stress. Do not forget those adrenals glands! Anger and stress (Mars) are the major causes of adrenalin depletion. My theory is that germs are living in us at all times. When emotionally upset our blood chemistry changes allowing the germs to charge through the “immunity gate” causing illness. When we get angry the blood heats and the invaders “wake up” entering the bloodstream causing illness.

One of my first clients was a woman who had a calcified adrenal glad. Her father was a doctor and she was perceptive about many health issues. As soon as I did her chart, I saw that Mars was heavily afflicted in the seventh house. After I explained to her about Mars ruling the adrenals and the source of the problem was her one-to-one relations her jaw dropped. It all made sense to her. She explained all her life she had to repress her anger because her father, the doctor wanted a sweet daughter, a non-opinionated one. Having been programmed for that she became mute towards any conflict and became the
people pleaser and peace maker of the family. This repression affected her adrenal glands.


In the coming months we will discuss the different forms of healing and health regimes that are relevant in today’s society and known to work ….for this, our bodies – the Incredible Machine.

• Iridology – the study of the eyes and how they reflect the state of health or illness.
• Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Reikki, Nutrition, Yoga, Massage, Shiatsu (**)
• Vitamin Therapy, Juicing
• Oxygen Therapy ( Hyperbaric treatment)
• Healing with Music and Color
• Vibrational Medicine – Flower Essences
• Cell Phones and Your Health, 5G Towers
• Metaphysical Causations for Illness (Louise Hay)
• Feng Shui – Vastu Shasta- science of architecture
• Astrodynes– How to use this technique to analyze the power of your birth chart for harmony and discord.

– By Dee Wynne.

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