
It is observed that at any given time on this planet Earth’s Human society or Humankind – one half of the world is in “Idealogical war” with the other half, during which period some
ideas fail and disappear from human minds and some ideas remain with some life span. In extreme cases it has led to the serious differences between countries leading to unrest and high
degree conflicts ending in losses of human lives, natural resources, cultural takeovers etc, etc. So, here I would like to say
that Ancient Indian thought says, ‘Don’t kill the enemy but kill
the enmity’- this applies to the enmity between countries resulting in military formations in the name of defending the
lands, countries, nations etc. The soldiers of the armies were
infused with “Patriotism and Loyalty” for their states and nations. So, in other words any kind of war in those days was a
patriotic game but now war anywhere Earth is no more a Patriotic game but a Business game (these kind of things we hear on
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TV discussions on different international channels) played by
Arms industry, in simple words – In olden days Arms meant
Military Arms or Military weapons, but now, even certain type
of language is a communication weapon employed on group of
people or masses or on enemy countries or enemy groups
maybe to inflict heavy wear and tear on enemy’s psyche.
For military arms or weaponry – arms industry is involved and
engaged – similarly for communication weaponry some language experts, IT companies or software data gatherers are involved and engaged – because in those days it was said that
Real killings have happened in simple language.
In ancient India Kings or Rulers Durbars or courts had Astrologers, military advisers, Raja Gurus, Philosophical advisers
or Moral teachers, Jesters, etc, while military advisers advised
the king on the strength of the army, weaponry and all matters
of military affairs. Astrologers advised the King on appropriateness of military actions and Raja Gurus advised the King on
Intellectual matters, while Moral teachers advised the King on
Moralities of military actions on enemy state or enemy king –
and here these moral gurus said, ‘Oh King, don’t kill the enePage 2 of 7
my but kill the enmity’. Sometimes the King heeded to the advises, sometimes not, resulting in heavy loses on both sides of
the borders (The great example being that of King Ashoka,
who did not heed to the advise of Moral teachers and result is
in History books). So, one can see it is purely Indian thinkers
thought, to kill the enmity not the enemy is globally relevant
even today. War history books show surviving leaders and
Kings in the past all over the world have suffered very heavily
from guilt complexities.
Coming to the Ancient Indian astrological perspective the
above, it is said when GRAHA YUDDHA happens in Antariksha (Space) – Planetary warfares happens in our solar system
which is represented by a Zodiac, which even the modern leading celebrated space scientist of the world says in a popular radio program that, ‘calm and quiet in space as it seems from
Earth is not what it is, but is very violent up there in the space
sometimes’. As a result conflicts, wars, heavy scale clashes,
idealogical wars etc., happen in Human societies on Earth, so
in this context if one looks at the recent happenings in sensitive
zones like Baghdad protests, Chilean unrest, US-China trade
war, India-Pakistan tensed relationships, Hongkong-China criPage 3 of 7
sis etc., with reference to the coming planetary transits that are
astrologically marked for December 2019, January 2020,
March 2020 – Our India maybe affected to some extent resulting in short term effects on our markets and maybe long term
on our military because some vested interest maybe or trying to
capture our defence business interest due to the very hugeness
of our defence forces – to avoid this from our side we Indians
all over the world may include in our daily prayers for the
sanctity, safety, all powerfulness, all preparedness, all readiness
for any combat of our leaders and our defence forces by offering our prayers and special poojas in Lord Shiva’s temple,
whose name is chanted as HAR HAR MAHADEV by our defence forces. As in olden days when the King and his army
went into the battle, all citizens of the kingdom performed various poojas and prayers in temples and their homes for the victory and safe return of the King and his army. But now this
time during current planetary gocharas our prayers and poojas
in our temples and our homes should be as preventive efforts to
avert any mishaps.
Ironically, if one looks at the war histories of the world, during
wars both sides of the armies have chanted and prayed to same
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God before jumping into action. We don’t know to whom God
has given sense of victory for any considerable time.
Here, I would like to mention something personal here, my
mind always wonders – with all these ideological sensitiveness,
conflicts, different types of struggles in Human societies on
Earth, who is the ultimate winner, who is to gain out of all
these – the history pages show no one is the ultimate winner, no
one has really gained anything out of these clashes, maybe
some individuals have found some mention in the history
pages, that is all, more than this nobody, absolutely no single
individual or single group of Human or no single country or no
single state has really really gained anything at all from these
So, these understandings may force one to just think that there
maybe ‘Cosmic Justice’ in all these things to bring and maintain a certain balance in Human society played by known and
unknown Cosmic forces OR is it just a small part of the evolutionary process of Kaliyuga.
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When we say it is just a small part of evolutionary requirement,
just like sex as many Humans have wondered on Earth why
there is sex because after having sex both feel sad and sick and
the thing is Humans have used sex as a healer, as a weapon, as
a tool in business etc, etc, yet they question, Do I need sex?,
Why there is sex? – it is still peoples Antharanga prashna – a
secret question. Right now Europe is continent of old aged
people like some countries have lost Demographic windows
because they have distorted the purpose of sex to entertainment
because all of their secret question was, Do I/ We need sex?
The real answer is Humans don’t need sex, it is an evolutionary requirement.
Similarly both warring sides in any kind of conflict or clashes or
wars feel sad and sick after the war is over or the conflict is
ended. As said earlier surviving leaders and Kings have suffered severely from Paapa pragna (guilt complexities).
So, is it just an evolutionary need or an evolutionary requirement of Kaliyuga OR is it just Cosmic Forces playing their games on earth using Humans through planets and stars in the
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space – Honestly, I do not know, because I am too small to know.

Dr.N.Chandrashekar.,Ph.D .,D.Litt., is into Astro-palmistry & Gems for last 47 years
and has presented and published about 115 articles from “Spirituality” to “Sexuality”
pertaining to Astro-Gemmology by working with 48 publications around the world.
His work is recognised by 29 educational bodies across the globe and he is fondly
known as Peoples’ Astrologer. He has delivered lectures and participated in astrology conferences both nationally and internationally. He is widely appreciated for his
contribution of around fifty thousand counselling sessions for people around the
world. Dr. Shekar has done Gems Selection for Temple Jewellery which adorn Temple Die-ties in Hindu Temples in USA.

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