
Concept of Sadesati and Dahiya Caused by Saturn

Saturn is a Karmadhipati in Indian Vedic Astrology i.e. it gives results (good/bad) to the native based on his / her karmas. Also known as Kaal, nothing occurs without the wish of Saturn be it birth; marriage; death etc. Saturn is one such planet that controls almost 55- 60% of our life span. When Saturn Transit in the 12th house from the Natal Moon

(placement of the moon in a respective sign in the birth chart); Over Natal Moon as well as 2nd house from it. This period/duration is called as “Sadesati @ 7.5 yrs” and it begins & ends @45 Degrees before & after the longitude of the natal Moon. This period @ 7.5 yrs is divided into 3 phases namely Rising; Peak & Setting. Saturn generally remains in any sign / Rashi @ 2.5 yrs. Similarly, when Saturn transits in the 4th house and 8th houses from the Natal Moon, this period/duration is called as “Dahiya @ 2.5 yrs ”.Sadesati & Dahiya both are generally considered to be as the watchful periods, however, their respective results vary depending upon several other factors namely Lagna; Lordships; Placements etc

Natal Moon is in Capricon sign. This is also called “Janam Rashi”. Suppose The longitude of the Moon is 09 Sign Pass 20 degrees ( 01 Sign pass = 30 degrees). Thus, Sadesati begins when Saturn Transits in the sign of Sagittarius @ 05 degrees and ends when Saturn Transits in the sign of Pisces @ 05 degrees. This whole duration is called as “Sadesati”. Similarly when Saturn transits in the Aries sign or for that instance in the Leo sign causes “Dahiya” because these signs are 4th & 8th from the Natal Moon (Capricon Sign)

By Amit Sharma (Note:-The author of this article is holding the position of Patron (IAF Delhi) and a certified Jyotish Acharya from Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, NewDelhi)

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