
Myself Jeetendra Bhalla, A passionate astrologer and a working with belief of Astrological prediction belief written by our ancient astrologers, In this topic I will cover the prediction done in December 2019 for our country. let’s will talk about India’s Horoscope given below: –

Lagna Chart-India

On December 26th 2019, I have studied the chart and predicted the situation of India for next couple of years. Let’s look on the transit chart, lagna chart Mahadasha , antar dasha and moontha chart during the transit phase, India was going through the phase of Moon Mahadasha and saturn antardasha period from 12th December 2019 which is not good at all, this period will be continued till 10th July 2021. The impact will intensify when all the conditions become true and energize the impacts in a significant manner. Let’s analyze the various aspects of Astrology that had contributed towards the negative impact on the horoscope

Mahadasha/Antardasha aspect:-I have written that India as a country will go through lot of uncertainties as the vish dosha was seen in the transit of planets in mahadashsa and antardasha. In lagna chart, vish dosha is seen in 3rd house-this house reflects brotherhood, mental strength and the efforts we do. This has further strengthened malefic effects. Saturn being the ruler of 9th and 10th house gave its adverse effect on the economy and growth. The planetary position is also shasthaka in the horoscope of Mother India .The effect of this dasha will be malefic till July 2021 and the negative energies will impact most of the population in the country. All the conditions wrt Mahadasha and antardasha were true in the chart thereby the malefic effects of planets were seen on stronger side.

Gochar aspects: – The Saturn is placed in the 7th house of the gochar and its not considered to the best position and it also rules the 7th & 8th house in the chart. Conjuction of Jupiter the lord of 6th house and the lord of 8th house Saturn strengthened the loss of health and improvise on the disease in the country. Jupiter is also placed in the sixth house of lagna kundali and similar kind of transits were seen during  that time.

Astavarga chart aspects: – In Prastavarga chart also, Saturn has not given positive bindu in the moon chart so there was no support/ strength was available in the chart. There is important rule of astrology that planets give the benefic results if there are positive points available in the Prastavarga chart.

Mundane astrology aspects 2020 horoscope: – Though Mundane astrology is prevalent for predictions for a country but the principle of mahadasha, antardasha, gochar, must be considered during predictions. All the rules are quite similar to traditional way of predicting a horoscope. In the calendar year, Jupiter that indicates for the judiciary, ministry, money, this will see up and down through the year as its placed in 6th house along with ketu , the house of fatalities, labors, internal dynamics of a country, defense system etc the aspects of 6th house will be affected as well. Saturn represent factories, mining, labor, jobs, coal etc so there will be turbulence in this sector as well. Mars represents Engineering, manufacturing, properties etc. The conjunction of mars and Saturn is very strong and will lead to turbulence for this sector also.

Tajik shashtra aspect Varsha Kundali: – The moontha of varsha kundali was also weak that further added to negative aspects of the planets. Moontha for the year was placed in 8th house of the chart that indicates the loss of wealth and rise to the mental agony of the people. This is detailed aspect and I will write a separate article on the subject.

In my article, I have specifically mentioned the impact of this transit will be on the finance health of our country, brotherhood will get worsen and the enemy will try to disturb the piece and we have to be specifically cautious on border. Now all the aspects were seen during this phase, Corona as a big uncertainty was seen that has disturbed the economic aspects of our country, we were almost stand still till July 2020. Border issue with China was also there due to the transit of malefic planets an 3rd house,it also represents border in mundane astrology.. Financial impact was seen due to weak planetary position of Jupiter in the chart. Country will see growth in later half of the year 2021 in the financial sector.

Current Gochar health and economy-Current transit of Jupiter will help to improve the economic conditions slightly and there will be great achievement of research and development side but on contrary the health parameters are seen on weaker side. Covid-19 impact can be seen rising till 14th September 2021 as the planetary position is weak. Rahu is in conjunction with 8th lord Saturn so airy disease will have more impact. Jupiter getting retrograde and direct so we may see variations post 20th November 2021 again health will have its impact. We have to take care of our well being during this period.

Jeetendra Bhalla

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