|| Shree ||
|| Shree Ganesha Namaha || || Shree Saraswataye Namaha ||
|| Shree Gurubhyo Namaha ||
There are four important pillars of the life of every human being. That important pillars are Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
1) Dharma – Every newborn child belongs to one religion which mainly depends on her/his parents
2) Artha – We have to earn something for our survival.
3) Kama – It is essential for the Work and birth of human being
4) Moksha – We feel sometimes that we should go away from our daily routine. It is an indication of Moksha.
Above are the general definitions of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha, there is a deep meaning of all this we don’t need to understand as of now. We are going to understand the meaning of Dharma from an astrological point of view.
There are 12 houses in a Birth Chart. 3 houses each allocated to every Pillar.
1) Dharma Trikon (Triangle) indicates fiery element – House number 1,5 and 9
2) Artha Trikon indicates Earth (Prithvi) element – House number 2,6 and 10
3) Kama Trikon indicates Air (Vayu) element – House number 3,7 and 11
4) Moksha Trikon indicates water (Jal) element – House number 4,8 and 12
If we think about of 1st house of Natural Birth Chart (NIsarga Kundali) 1st House indicates the Head of humans. The brain is the most important organ of the human body. The wisdom of a person comes from the brain. The essential things required for prayers/worship i.e. Eyes, Ear, Nose, and Mouth are part of the head only.
From the 5th house, we check prayers, his/her willingness to meet divine/spiritual teacher (Guru) then the only prayer gets beneficial.
From 9th House, we check Luck, Religiousness, Faith on the spiritual teacher.
We have learned this so far.
Now we will try to understand worship – According to our Saint if we want to achieve salvation we have to follow some worship steps like listening to prayers, reading devotional books, etc.
Now we will see all this from the “Dharma Trikona” point of view.
1st worship step is Listening – If our listing is good, then we can move to the next step.
5th worship step is – Bowing our head on the feet of divine power.
9th worship step is – Self-representation. if our worship is good then only we can move to self-representation.
Here self-representation meaning is – Realising that whatever is happening in my life is according to the wish of supreme divine power/God
Spirituality required the perfect combination of wisdom, heart, and faith Powerful “Dharma Trikona” indicates this thing only.
Human birth is the last step of “84 lacs Yoni”.Get the freedom from this cycle “84 Lacs Yoni” is the main objective of Human life.
Whenever we go for any worship we require the name of our Ancestors at least the last 3 generations i.e Name of the Person, his father, and his grandfather.1st house is the self, the 9th house is the father and 5 is the 9th from the 9th house which means Grand Father. It is indicating that the ancestral alms deed is also important.
“Dharma Trikona” of the Birth chart indicates that what is the objective of our life? What are we going to do in this life?. Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Dragons tail these planets signify worship. The sign of the 1st house indicates the objective of our life. A person behaves according to sign and its element. strength or weakness of “Dharma Trikona” depends on the sign of the 1st,5th, and 9th house, planets present in the same and their elements, star lord of the house.
“Dharma Trikon”
1st House – Human Body, Life, Prosperity, and Head.
5th House – Learning abilities, Dignity, Spiritual status
9th House – faith on Shrine, Long journey, Higher education
Saint,” Satpurush” – People who are having powerful “Dharma Trikona” is very spiritual and Sober. We should not ignore the placement of the Moon and Jupiter in their birth chart. In the birth chart of Saint, we have to consider every Trikona other than “Dharma Trikona” also.
Few Saints or Spiritual people are rich, few are recluse, few are following wrong practices also. Below are some examples of Saints.
Saints or Spiritual people with powerful “Dharma” and “Moksha Trikona” – e.g. Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, and Shri Ramdas Swami, etc.
Saints or Spiritual people with powerful “Dharma” and “Artha Trikona” – e.g. Shri Dalai Lama, Lokmanya Tilak, Nirmala Devi, etc.
Saints or Spiritual people with powerful “Dharma” and “Kama Trikona”- E.g. Asaraam Bapu, Acharya Rajnish, and Gurmit Ram Rahim, etc.
Note -: Please do not ask for the birth chart of the above people.
Why some spiritual people are in prison? Are they genuine spiritual people or not ?. The answer to this question is because of their powerful “Kaam Trikon” they followed some wrong practices.
Please observe results in the Dasha/Mahadasha of Sign present in the house, Owner of house and Planets present in house and Transit of planets. E.g If the Mahadasha lord is present in the 9th house then that person may visit various temples, meet spiritual people, etc.
Few people follow the spiritual path after doing some wrong practices.
In the life of the common man along with “Dharma Trikona,” every trikona needs to strong if he wants to enjoy his mundane life smoothly.
I hope you have understood the meaning of “Dharma Trikona”.
Jyotish Shastri Abha Karandikar (Pune) IAF Member
Astrological Books Written and Published by
Mrs. Abha Karandikar (Jyotish Shastri)
- ‘Maza Abhyas’ (Basic Astrology notes in Marathi),
- ‘Krishnamoorti Method’ (Postal Course in Marathi / Hindi)
- ‘Vedic Jyotish’ (Basic Postal Course in Marathi)
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